
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nutrition and Wellness for happy living

Health is wealth is the old and renouned truth, which every one of us agreed. Living is no meaning healthy living is the real meaning of the life. In the present busy world many people ignoring the right living by not keeping health in right stage. Here is a question what is the right way to keep our health in right stage?
Daily we need food to live and perform our duties, there are two types of food we have to consume are Macro food : Carbohydrates, proteens, fats etc., where as Micro Food : Vitamins, Minerals etc., Healthy intake of food will enhance the learning capacity of the students also.

Macro food will be consumed by all but Micro food will be ignored by the plenty of the people in all corners of the world. These micro foods only to maintain our health in tact by protecting from day to day damages in our body cells, organs etc.,

Vitamin is an organic substance that acts as a coenzyme and / or regulator of metabolic processes. There are 13 known vitamins, most of which are present in foods or supplements; some are produced within the body. Vitamins are crucial for many bodily functions.

Here are the Various Vitamins and their benefits and also where they can be sourced.
A (retinol, carotene):growth and repair of body tissue, immune functions, night vision eggs, dark green & yellow fruits and vegetables, dairy products, liver

B-1 (Thiamine): Carbohydrate metabolism appetite regulation, important in nervous system and growth wheat germ, pork, whole & enriched grains, dried beans, seafood

B-2 (Riboflavin): Carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, essential for cell respiration and mucous membranes dairy products, green leafy vegetables, whole & enriched grains, beef, lamb, eggs.

B-6 (pyridoxine): Carbohydrate & protein metabolism, formation of antibodies and red blood cells, nerve function fish, poultry, lean meat, whole grains, potatoes.

B-12 (cobalamin): Carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, nervous system maintenance, blood cell formation beef, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products.

Biotin : Carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, fatty acid production, B vitamins utilization egg yolk, meat, dairy products, dark green vegetables; also made by microorganisms inside intestinal tract.

Folic Acid : Red blood cell formation, protein metabolism, cell division & growth green leafy vegetables, dried beans, poultry, fortified cereals, oranges, nuts.

Niacin : Carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, GI system maintenance, blood circulation, nerve function, appetite regulation meat, fish, whole & enriched grains, beans, nuts & peas

Pantothenic Acid: Nutrient conversion into energy, vitamin utilization, nerve function most plant & animal foods, especially lean meats, whole grains, legumes.

C (ascorbic acid): Wound healing, collagen maintenance, infection resistance, important for healthy gums & blood vessels citrus fruits, tomatoes, melons, berries, green & red peppers, broccoli.

D (cholecalciferol): Calcium & phosphorus metabolism (bone & teeth formation) egg yolk, fatty fish, milk; also made in skin when exposed to sunlight.

E (tocopherol): Free radical scavenger, possible role in immune function
Also Read Benefits of Vitamin E
vegetable oil, wheat germ, nuts, dark green vegetables, whole grains, beans.

K : Blood clotting functions & bone metabolism green leafy vegetables, beef liver.

These vitamins will be acting mostly as Antioxidents to protect our body.
Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage.
Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. Health problems such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer etc are all contributed by oxidative damage. Indeed, a recent study conducted by researchers from London found that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of stroke by 25 percent. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.

If we keep our health in good condition we can be blessed with Happy living.

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